Hi Seduisant Taz-Mbodi. Thanks for reading my article and for taking the time to respond.
For the record, this article was in no way aimed at converting atheists to some for on theism or agnosticism. It was an anecdotal report of my own experiences. I was as surprised as anyone to see it featured in the Philosophy section (though I do have a Masters in Philosophy, so perhaps it’s difficult for me to get out of the habit of that writing style!)
As for the ‘Halo Effect Cognitive Bias’ regarding Atheism, that totally was not the case. I considered myself atheist primarily because of my own skepticism and interest in science and the cosmos, not because of the musings of Hitchens and Dawkins, or some form of Philosophy. I was raised Roman Catholic, but by the age of 20 I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the Catholic church or Christianity. I’d already read the works of Nietzsche when I read Hitchen’s book, but Nietzsche’s work simply made me even more skeptical about Christianity, not of all spirituality. I agree on your point that:
‘ Atheists (need)to learn more and be less arrogant because there is nothing sustainable in being ignorant, arrogant and treating people of being delusional when you don’t have any background yourself.’
I also noticed you have a Carl Sagan quote listed under your avatar. Here’s one of his I’ve found to be true for me:
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.”
As I agree with this statement, I feel I can’t call truly call myself an atheist, nor can I call Carl Sagan one. For me, true, ‘Intelligent’ atheism, as you’ve called it, doesn’t simply reject the notion of religion, as Atheism 2.0 primarily focuses on. But most of it now also focuses on material reductionism and the denial of anything remotely ‘spiritual’. That’s something that simply doesn’t resonate with me at all. Why? I have no idea. But as I admitted in this article, I can never know, and neither of us ever will.
Thanks again.